Sunday, March 25, 2007

King's Chapel

I went to visit King's Chapel and performed a little experiment with the phones given to us. I was given permission by the director to use the space for the duration of the project and actually put the 2D codes to the test. During my visit, I was experimenting the proportion of the code and the distance needed to scan the code. The space itself is a little cramped with only (approx) four foot walkways and many people walking around. The chapel already has a system of designated areas where information is given. There about 20 marked areas, but it is not very organized in the means of circulation. I took a lot of pictures, which I can show, but I need to go back and investigate more because I did not have a lot of time. I also decided investigated how one could scan the code from the exterior of the building and the sidewalk. I seemed to notice that many people were looking at the code when I stood a good distance away taking pictures.

1 comment:

Yaz said...

Very good investigation. It would be great to visualize the relationship: "size of the code" and "distance needed to scan it"... as it relates to the space available in this particularly crowded area.